How to Reduce Minor (and Major) Injuries in Your Home

Everybody wants to feel safe within the confines of their own homes. Unfortunately, a house or apartment can be a minefield of sharp corners, heavy objects, and other dangers that can cause both minor and major injuries. Whether you repeatedly stub your toes on coffee tables (in which case you may need to contact the experts at or you burn yourself every time you change the water temperature in the shower, you are constantly exposed to possible injuries. Fortunately, in today’s post, we will provide you with a few of the simplest ways to greatly reduce minor (and even major) injuries in your home!

Install Corner Guards on Tables and Large Furniture


Even if you don’t have young children in the house, installing corner guards on tables and other pieces of furniture with sharp corners can help prevent stubbed toes or more serious injuries. In fact, sharp corners are one of the most common causes of injuries in homes, meaning that this simple fix could end up saving you a trip to the doctor and preventing a lot of unnecessary pain and discomfort. You can pick up baby guards and similar corner protectors at most department stores that sell home safety items or parenting products.

Understand How to Set Your Hot Water Heater


Have you ever had the unpleasant experience of turning your shower or sink faucet on and getting scolded by boiling hot water? If not, count yourself lucky! Whether you’re moving into a new home or getting a new water heating system installed, you need to know how to manage the settings on your water heater. It could be as simple as dialing down the heat a little bit. The key is to find settings that make it easy to get warm or hot water as needed, without risking serious burns!

Avoid Putting Heavy Objects in High Places


It may sound obvious, but many people don’t consider the risks of designing a space with heavy objects hanging or resting above eye level. It could be a large trophy on a high-set shelf or simply a heavy hanging ornament. Either way, this increases the risk of something falling and causing serious injury to you or someone else in your home. If you live in areas where earthquakes are more common, you should be especially mindful of how and where you set your heavier items.

Try Not to Overload Electrical Outlets With Too Many Devices


If you’re like most people, you have one or two spots in your house where you keep the majority of your biggest electrical devices. For example, if you have a home entertainment center, it may be the place for your TV, cable box, modem, router, and gaming system — just to name a few. However, most houses don’t put all of the electrical outlets exactly where you want them. This causes many people to use power strips to plug in more than two devices at a time. However, if you have plugs upon plugs upon plugs, you could greatly increase the risk of an electrical fire. So, try to spread out your devices!


We hope you found this guide on how to reduce minor (and major) injuries in your home useful! If so, be sure to check out some of our other great posts on Emergent Village today!


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