8 Ways to Jazz Up Your Sunroom

Your sunroom deserves just as much attention as your living or dining room. In fact, if you spend a lot of time socializing or relaxing there, you should probably give it more love than your average space! Here are eight ways to improve the decor of your sunroom. 1. Curtains Sunlight, of course, is the biggest draw of a sunroom, but what about those days when the rays are just too bright? Colorful curtains can help keep out the glare while also adding pizzazz to your interior design. 2. Read more [...]

Gradual Home Improvement Projects

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of home improvement, taking things slowly and tackling the smaller aspects room by room helps get the job done painlessly. When we think about home improvement we usually think of major disruption, building works, knocking walls down or building extensions. Often it seems like too big a job and therefore gets put off. Meanwhile, the home slowly gets more tired looking and this creates a vicious circle where the vision of improving our living spaces just Read more [...]

On the Market for a Rug? Here’s What You Need to Know

Outfitting your home with the best furniture, décor, and other embellishments can be an exciting yet challenging task. If you are particularly selective, you probably spend a good amount of time carefully choosing each and every piece of furniture or décor you bring into your home. You must also be aware of the importance of interior décor that complement each other and showcase your own personality and preferences. If you want a truly impressive home interior, then you know the importance Read more [...]