Give Your Home a 5-Step Makeover

Decorating your home is never as easy as it could be with all kinds of different considerations, essentials and expenses to take into account. Part of the fun of decorating is getting rid of the old and bringing in the new, transforming your tired old room, home or garden into something more modern, vibrant and ‘you.’ Many people are put off doing any of the decorating or renovations themselves for the fear of getting it wrong and ending up out of pocket or spending more than they can afford. Read more [...]

Gradual Home Improvement Projects

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of home improvement, taking things slowly and tackling the smaller aspects room by room helps get the job done painlessly. When we think about home improvement we usually think of major disruption, building works, knocking walls down or building extensions. Often it seems like too big a job and therefore gets put off. Meanwhile, the home slowly gets more tired looking and this creates a vicious circle where the vision of improving our living spaces just Read more [...]