Single Again? Refresh Your Home To Fit Your New Life!

Going through a divorce can be a massive upheaval, not only from an emotional perspective but also from a practical one. When you have been through the process of separating and arranging who will remain in your previously shared residence and who will move on to a new home, and organized the money side of things (and if you need help with this, you can find a good divorce attorney in Salt Lake City here or search around if you are in another city) you will need to consider making your home, whether it is your old one or a new (potentially smaller) one, fit with your new lifestyle as a single person.


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In many ways, this can be one of the more positive things that comes at the end of a relationship – you can make the space you live in look and feel exactly how you want it without having to compromise with another person’s taste. Refreshing an existing home can also help you feel like you are moving into a new phase of your life, without so many reminders of your marriage.

Where To Begin

In many cases, particularly for men who have recently divorced or come out of long term cohabiting relationships, there will be a lot of changes you want to implement, especially in places like the bedroom. You previously had to worry about keeping two people’s things there, and now you don’t have that storage issue you may want to opt for a more minimalist style to cut down on clutter and give a clean, organized feel that requires less effort to maintain. You may also want to make changes in the kitchen, as single people living alone tend to have different cooking and eating habits to couples or families.

Start with the rooms you find least compatible with your idea of how you want single life to be, and change those. If you are happy with the way you are currently using space, then you may simply want to refresh the colour schemes and décor to reflect a different style, allowing you to express your individual taste as well as helping you mentally feel like you have moved on to a new stage of your life by changing your surroundings.

A Step at a Time

Just like organizing how your new way of life will work and getting over your divorce in general, refreshing your home to create your new single living space is best done a step at a time, unless you feel like going all out and spending big money on a full overhaul. Begin with the rooms that least fit your concepts, and make simple high impact changes like changing wall colours or simply changing the artwork or decorative things around the home.

A new look home can be just what you need to start your new single life on the right foot, so why not begin planning your home refresh today.

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