How to eat healthy?

All doctors and nutritionists today agree on the “good food” that can be summarized by: less refined products, less processed products, less sweet products, less salty products, less bad fat not to mention the reduction of industrial dishes and pesticides in food.

In other words, “eating well” means choosing “good foods” for your plate. However, do not forget that eating healthy is also costly. If you run a healthy eating blog, make sure you post on your blog. If you have a passion in giving healthy eating tips, visit and choose a web host for your blog.

“Take” a meal that is easy to eat, take the time necessary to chew, in order to digest well but also to better control your intake of food. Indeed, 15 to 20 minutes after the start of the meal, chewing allows the secretion of a neurotransmitter that commands the brain to stop eating. This signal of satiety is also blurred by fatty and sweet foods, certainly very appetizing


Relearn the true taste of food. Our taste is often perverted by all the additives / flavor enhancers, artificial flavours, emulsifiers, standardizing food. Rediscover tastes according to terriers, seasons, also participates in good food

Cook as much as you can. Cooking allows you to take care of yourself and others, to come into contact with the food, to transform it.

  • Share: Nothing like a meal in a good friendly atmosphere.
  • Eating well: some habits to put in place daily.
  • Make a richer meal in the morning than in the evening. Remember the saying “in the morning a meal of king, at noon a meal of prince and the evening meal of poor”.
  • Chew food for a long time. This avoids problems of digestion, we appreciate the flavors and we start the satiety signals.
  • Eat as fresh as possible. Yes to local products, seasonal; transport, storage, conservation…affect the quality of food. A new way of shopping, a new organization for your well-being. You can also trade online food if you are unable to find the physical store for healthy food.
  • Prefer raw fruits outside of meals. Taken during meals, they slow down digestion. Think about 10-11h and 17-18h.
  • Consume raw foods at the beginning of a meal. They then trigger beneficial digestive enzymes.

In practice

Breakfast rich in protein:

Quality tea, chicory or infusion + to choose:

  • 2 eggs hulls
  • Rice with currants + seasonal fruit
  • 1 preparation ERGYNUTRIL or VÉGÉNUTRIL + 1 seasonal fruit at 10h
  • ½ soy yogurt + 2 teaspoons freshly ground barley flour + currants + organic squash seeds + seasonal fruit


  • Seasonal crudités (seasoning: first cold pressed virgin oil + cider vinegar)
  • Vegetables steamed (organic vegetables or garden, preferably consume seasonal products).
  • A protein of your choice

Having dinner

  • Light meal, taken early, without meat to limit putrefaction and sleep disorders.
  • Favour fatty fish and vegetable proteins.

Depending on the appetite and the season: raw vegetables + vegetables + cereals, or soup of vegetables with cereals, or mixed salad.

If you need sweetness at the end of the meal, think of cooked fruit, infusion and cream made from vegetable milk and homemade fruit pie.


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