Here in the city, Montreal condos are considered cool places to live in, especially if you’re a single guy. It doesn’t matter if you’re a young adult who just left his parents or a man who has recently broke up with a girlfriend or wife. A condo in Montreal is by definition cool.
What’s not cool is what happens to a place when a stereotypical man is left to his own devices at home all the time. The place may not necessarily be bad from the perspective of other guy friends. But if the man invites a woman to his condo, then a single look at his place may be all that’s needed for the woman to never see him again. Even a single whiff may be enough for her not to come in at all.
Before anything else, we all have to admit that to make your condo interior look nice you may have to spend real money. The most fabulous in this city are quite expensive. But you only need a few simple steps to make your place presentable when you have female friends over.
Get Rid of Your Garbage Everyday
Many men are very simple in their ways, and they operate with their own logic. That doesn’t always work out well, especially where stinky garbage is concerned. Normal guy logic says that a garbage bag should only be thrown away when it is full. But that means the smell of rotting food and other trash is right there, seeping subtly thorough your condo. And the longer it takes for you to throw the bag, the more disgusting the stench becomes.
So remove the garbage bag from your trash bin and into your garbage shoot. Do that every day. And during the day, use an air fresher that can really absorb the stench.
Hide Your Clutter Effectively
A man who lives alone generally lives with clutter. After all, there’s no mother, wife, or girlfriend to fix things for him. There are several notable exceptions to this (like former military types) but in general it’s a fairly accurate statement.
And it’s really no use suggesting to single men to become more organized. That’s simply not going to happen. So what should you do if you live with lots of clutter in your living room?
The simplest answer is an ottoman with a compartment. When a female acquaintance suddenly sends you a message saying she’s on her way to drop off a book, this furniture will provide a place to hold all the mess in just a matter of minutes.
Serve Clean Glassware
Now let’s assume your lady friend has not ran out of your home in disgust and contempt at the sight and smell of your place. She takes a seat, and you ask her what she would like to drink. Whatever it is, make sure you use a clean cup, glass, or mug. It shouldn’t have any marks, or even fingerprints. That may be a problem if you don’t have a dishwasher, but there’s a simple solution.
Just use a dish sponge with soap in the handle. The design allows you to wash a dish without putting your hand near the hot water, and hot water is the key to properly washed glassware.
With these small steps, you can actually start making your place look decent (at least according to women’s standards). The job won’t get done until she moves in for good, by the way, so be ready for that!