Ductless Vs. Central Air Conditioning Systems

When it comes to cooling your home efficiently and effectively, a common question for a home purchaser or seller to ask is, whether central or ductless air conditioning is more appropriate. Many homeowners today are contemplating this question because in the past the natural option was to choose central air conditioning. Despite the fact that central air conditioning is extremely popular, more people in recent years are asking for ductless air conditioning, this is not just because it being installed Read more [...]

Server Room Air Flow Tips

Anyone who works in IT knows the value of cold air when it comes to technology. Many IT professionals strive to keep their server rooms at optimum temperature and keep their hardware working without any issues. This can be a problem, however, because heat can slowly build up and destroy this precious hardware, causing massive damage. Luckily, there are many solutions out on the market to help combat this. Using a server room air conditioner to get rid of hotspots is a great starting point and can Read more [...]