Be Prepared to Fight for the Property of Your Dreams

With demand for properties in London outweighing supply, some buyers are finding themselves left behind in an increasingly cut-throat market, but certain steps can be taken to help your dream property become a reality. As the London property market begins to emerge from the economic downturn happier and healthier than ever, more and more people are entering the house-hunting scrum. A positive for the financial future of the industry but a worry for potential purchasers as competition for each Read more [...]

Handling sticky workplace situations

Some guidelines to resolve common dilemmas with your colleagues The noisy employee that decided to settle in the cubicle next to yours. The office gossiper that just won’t leave you alone. The worker that takes “taking-free-stuff-home” too far. In one way or another, we’ve all seen these individuals at some point in our careers (and in a shared office space environment such as the one from Jay Suites, where I’m based, encountering them is a lot more likely). Responding to their conduct, Read more [...]