How to Declutter Your Bathroom

Bathrooms are areas in your home that can build up a lot of clutter. They are busy rooms, and accommodate a wide variety of grooming tasks for everyone who lives in your household. It may also be where you keep your laundry basket and sort out the washing. As the minimalist look is fashionable in homes, the last thing homeowners want is a cluttered bathroom. Below are tips on how to declutter your bathroom with a few easy steps.

Make sure you have enough storage
Storage space is vital in your bathrooms, but unfortunately, due to most bathrooms being small, there can often not be enough. If you have room, though, a good idea is to purchase some extra storage. Check out Ideal Standard, they have a great range in different colours and sizes, so hopefully you can find some ‘ideal’ storage here, or it might just give you some inspiration!

Start by emptying your bathroom
A great way to declutter your bathroom is to start from scratch. If you act like your bathroom is a blank canvas, it might be easier to decide where you put things and will help you to organise your own and your family’s belongings in a more effective way.  Either when emptying your bathroom or putting things in a new home, think about whether you use the item often, do you like it, will you ever use it etc.? You’ll be surprised by actually how much you throw out!


Think about what you really need
We women love to try different beauty products and we can accumulate a lot of products that we don’t use. Think about what your go-to beauty products are and just stick with them. It’s great trying new products but if you’ve got a product that you know works, what is the point trying a load of different ones that are nowhere near as good.

Store similar items together
A great way to declutter and organise your bathroom is storing like-items together. Before you put your items back into storage, sort your items into categories, such as cosmetics, nail care, skin care, hair accessories and medical etc. If you share your bathroom, it might be easier to have a shelf, draw or cupboard each. You could use different storage organisers for individuals if this were the case to organise your own items. By having organised cupboard and bathrooms, you will find it is much easier to find things. This is especially useful for when you’ve woken up late and you are in a rush.


Make sure your bathroom is clean
Another way to make your bathroom seem less cluttered is by making sure your bathroom is clean. Make sure you clean your cupboard and draws where dust and stray hairs may gather. It’s helpful to wipe each shelf and drawer out with a clean, damp cloth before returning the contents.  This could also be a good time to clean your make-up brushes and other items.


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